Waterproof one-piece cover in Kynar-500 aluminum or real copper distributes heat to melting surfaces. (Rules #2 & #3)
Solid Drip Edge
Solid aluminum mass efficiently conducts heat from heater to drip edge. (Rule #3)
Engineered Expertly:
Tight slots machined to allow only .010” clearance around cables eliminate insulating air gaps. (Rule #4)
Top Melt Surface:
Heavy top surface moves heat from heaters and distributes over top melting surface. (Rule #2)
Auxiliary Raceway:
Auxiliary return raceway available when a custom System Layout requires it.
Raised Fastener Section:
Raised fastener slot provides waterproof attachment while cleverly minimizing roof deck contact. (Rule #1)
Support Legs:
Base Panel are engineered to absolutely minimize roof deck surface contact. This eliminates unnecessary heat lost downward through the cold overhang.
Thick Conductive Walls:
Heavy aluminum heater walls maximize efficient heat transfer to top and drip edge melting surfaces. (Rules #2 & #3)
Convective Fin:
Integral convective fin efficiently delivers heat up the roof plane. (Rule #2)