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Summit Ice Melt Systems has a complete family of products for all types of roofing and slopes.
Allow us to help you find which ice melt product will work best for your needs.
Click Here for our Complete Product Catalog
PRO® Ice Melt System
Our top-of-the-line extreme snow, commercial roof ice melt system for Class 1 and Class 2 Snow Areas.

LT® Ice Melt System
Our residential roof ice melt system for Class 2 and Class 3 Snow Areas
HotSlot® Ice Melt System
Our HotSlot roof ice melt system offers the most affordable protection for Class 3 Snow Areas
LowSlope® Ice Melt System
This versatile system is designed for low-sloped roofs in Class 1 and Class 2 Snow Areas
Valley Channel® Ice Melt System
Our all-around valley ice melt system and heat path channel for Class 1 and Class 2 Snow Areas
Heated Standing Seam Metal Roofing
The world’s first and only bona fide heated concealed fastener standing seam metal roofing system
Manual and automatic controlled operation available for easy, energy-efficient set-and-forget operation
EverClear™ Economy Heater Cables
Lower output heater cable for zig-zag roof applications and associated gutters and downspouts in Class 3 Snow Areas
S1™ & S2™ High-Performance Heater Cables
Heat source for the roof ice melt systems, used in PRO, LT, HotSlot, LowSlope, and Valley/Channel ice melt systems with associated gutters and downspouts in Class 1, Class 2, and zig zag for Class 3 Snow Areas